It was startling to notice this week that Halfway There is now two years old. In addition to providing yours truly with an inexpensive alternative to psychotherapy, Halfway There has attracted a slowly growing band of regular visitors. It would be interesting to have a demographic breakdown of these strange people. (Perhaps some of them will be moved to leave a comment in which they explain how Halfway There fills a gaping hole in their lives—or satisfies some perverse need to watch grotesque acts of rhetorical posturing. Anyone?)
The daily hit rate hovers around 200, with occasionally interesting spikes when Pharyngula or Crooks and Liars or Language Log links here. And January was a banner month because Daily Kos linked to my post on the execrable Melanie Morgan. The total is edging toward 100,000, which should be attained in the next couple of weeks or three. (No party is planned, however.) The posting rate always drops when school is back in session (as it is now), but I'm sure I'll think of something else to write about soon. The blog will keep toddling along.

I've recently discovered this wonderful blog, probably through Pharyngula, which I've become addicted to. I check yours every day now. The fact that you're not typically wild-eyed along the lines of Pharyngula gives me balance.
I can't remember when I first started reading your blog but it must have been early on in your online writing career. I enjoy your meanderings across community college issues, politics from the Bay Area, Math, and religion. Your posts are almost always lengthy, and provide more than just a whisp of an idea. I get the whole enchilada!
I'm a retired community college professor who lives in Arizona after 35 years of teaching in WA, OR, and CA community colleges.
Happy Two! Keep on.....
Happy blogiversary, and don't stop now!
I've noticed that I get traffic spikes from sites which link to me and then are linked by Pharyngula. It's pretty darn impressive.
I came to your blog... Don't remember how. The hole it fills in my life is the same hole all blogs I read fill in some measure: the need to read/listen to how honest (sincere? earnest?), intelligent (wise?) and expressive (gifted with words- makes up for my lack...) people make sense of things. I'm a graduate student of Classics and an undergrad student of Comp. Sci. (alas, 'twas too late for math... future financial conditions must be taken into account) in Israel.
Happy blogiversary.
Happy blogiversary!
I think I found you through a carnival, but to be honest I don't remember.
I like reading your blog because I enjoy your writing style. Everything seems to flow nicely together. I especially like when you share stories about current students.
Keep up the good work and I'll keep reading.
Hmmmm. It would seem that readership should rise as school comes in -- in a just world.
Maybe that's the problem: We have too little justice.
Congratulations, and please keep up the good work.
You're halfway there!
I, too, found you via Pharyngula. A very happy blogaversary and keep fighting the good fight.
Happy Blogversary! Like most people, I noticed the quality of your comments, and figured you probably had something worth saying...and I was quite right. Thank you - I really enjoy reading your blog.
Woohoo...another atheist blog to read and link to (yeah, I'm one more lead-in from Pharyngula). :>
Happy Twoth!
You can count on Christian Republicans to keep a close eye on you and all your Darwinist Malarkey from here on until the next election.
Happy Blogoversary!
yeah, what they all said.
you write good. congrats.
keep 'em coming. v.
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