Halfway There is three years old today and has yet to reach its conclusion. Thanks to Zeno's paradox, we may be able to keep this up a bit longer before attaining our limit.
Neither the governor nor the California legislature has issued a proclamation in honor of the occasion, but I hear they're busily pretending to do the people's business instead. (Judging from their most recent work, a joint-legislative resolution honoring Halfway There would have been among their most significant accomplishments!)
Left to my own devices, I'll do my best to think of an appropriate observance of the occasion. (Now where did I leave that red pen that I use to correct homework?)
Happy anniversary!
Keep up the good fight.
Happy Birthday!!
Well done for three years. Keep it up!
Zeno, your blog is both entertaining and informative. Thus, you're going against TWO trends in modern media! Keep it up.
¡Feliz cumpleaƱos! And here's to getting "halfway there" for decades to come!
By his (PZ's :) ) command I am here to wish you a happy birthday.
But honestly, though I don't visit here as much as I would like due to time constraints, there are only 24 hours in a day after all, I still rate this blog highly, so keep it up.
As to the governor and the legislator, well they are missing one of those possible 'I knew him when moments'. Their loss :)
Now that you're a veteran blogger, your readers can ask for wisdom:
Is there any way we can (virtually) beat our California legislature-critters about the head and ears and insist they PASS A BUDGET ALREADY!!! ?
Well, happy blogiversary to you!
Happy Anniversary. May you write for many more, so that we may read.
Your zeno series image gave me a headache for a bit there, b/c it just didn't sum to three (years -- the topic of the post -- thankfully the jpg title resolved the tension).
Happy blogiversary!
Darn right, Physicalist. Good catch. The series sums to 1 by getting halfway there with each term. You are the first to notice (or at least the first to mention) that it doesn't add to up 3. Nor was it intended to.
Congratulations on your milestone. While I don't comment often, I do check in often and always consider it time well spent.
Keep up the good work.
K. D. Cline
A bit delayed, but happy anniversary indeed (from a usual lurker and rarely poster). I was confused by the series not adding to 3 as well.
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