I laughed heartily when the locomotive version showed up in my in-box. Now it's made its appearance over at Pharyngula. Many other versions are on display at Fark. Well, if everyone else is doing it, how can I resist? Running with the crowd and trying to blend in is my absolute favorite thing to do. (Right.) Still, this time I couldn't resist. The real gag, of course, is the one devoted to Sister Sarah. The others are subject to more nuanced interpretations. I have some in mind. What are yours?

Obama-Biden is the transcendental ticket, McCain's economic policy shows he's living in a fantasyland, and Palin's words are meaningless?
Do you really think McCain has an imaginary unit? It may be a little flaccid, but...
I don't have a joke for Palin, because I'm stupid at math and I forget exactly what 1 divided by zero is. It's unknown or something, right?
Perhaps McCain is not real.
And, yes, division by zero is undefined, hence meaningless.
Obama's arguments are circular? ;-)
Also: does being transcendental make up for being irrational? (I guess it's still better than being imaginary and undefinable).
Shouldn't the last one be Palin -> 2 + 2 = 5 ?
llewelly, don't you remember that 1/0 is a new number?
So Joe Biden raised to the power of John McCain multiplied by Barack Obama is just a step in the wrong direction? With Sarah Palin being completely irrelevant?
Which just goes to show that we can't afford to raise anything to the power of John McCain.
Or raise John McCain to power. Or something like that.
llewelly: No, Bush is already 2 + 2 = 5.
Mmmm, pi.
(...she said, lowering the tone of the discussion significantly. She simply couldn't help herself!)
Well, i is a very nifty an useful number ... so I'm a bit offended.
But of course it is orthogonal to the real world.
But π is so much older than e so shouldn't they be the other way round?
An occasional reader, first time commenter. I hope foreigners are allowed to have a try as well?
Obama's well known, Biden less so; the two, though different, can be connected; and both (being politicians) can go on and on without any end and pop up just about everywhere.
McCain's something that seems impossible but is just perpendicular to all we (Europeans) know, and does include a negative denizen of a (root) cage turned to a victory of "I"; and Palin is something we don't even have words for, and really would rather not discuss at all.
I don't like the idea of Obama being "irrational". How about Obama being 2? It's a nice, rational integer, and also the first prime number...
Obama isn't 2. He's 1. That 1.
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