Tuesday, August 29, 2006

One year old

Happy birthday to me!

Halfway There marks its one-year anniversary this week. It's a naïve domestic blog without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption. I launched it on August 29, 2005, without any special expectations or plans, but it's kept me amused. Perhaps it's amused some of you, too. Thanks to everyone who visits regularly and those who comment sporadically. It keeps things interesting!

During this next year, I will stay true to my lack of special expectations or plans. See you around the blogosphere.


Anonymous said...

You're the most brilliant one-year-old I've ever seen.

Whose link gave you that spike last April? Glancing through your archives, I would guess P.Z. Myers.

King Aardvark said...

Hey, congrats Zeno!

Hope the next year is even better.

eProf2 said...

Congratulations, Professor, for one year of stimulating and provocative posts. You almost always have interesting things to say, which causes me to think about your points of view in different lights. Keep on blogging.

Anonymous said...

Happy first year, Zeno. I am sometimes scared of how much I agree with your posts.