Answers raises more questions
Answers in Genesis is still basking in the afterglow of the successful launch of its Creation Museum, attendance records having exceeded the creation ministry's original projections. (These people seem to be wrong about everything.) How best to take advantage of AiG's higher profile? Ken Ham knows what to do: As long as AiG can profit from pretending to be a scientific organization, why not embellish the charade with a “professional peer-reviewed technical journal”?
I'm sure the key word in that phrase is “peer.” Creation “scientists” tend to be kind to each other. The review process will undoubtedly be extremely gentle.
Funny thing about the new Answers Research Journal: It's Ken Ham's second rip-off of Creation Ministries International, the Australia-based organization with which Ham's Answers in Genesis used to be affiliated. A couple of years ago Ham bamboozled CMI by using its Creation magazine subscriber list to solicit sign-ups for AiG's new Answers magazine. With a breezy disregard for the commandment about not bearing false witness, Ham told Creation subscribers in the U.S. that the magazine would no longer be available (implying it was ceasing publication), and the slick new Answers magazine was being launched to replace it. Nowhere were Creation's subscribers told that CMI was continuing to publish the magazine, because that would have defeated Ham's plan to seize Creation's entire U.S. subscriber base as he detached AiG from the CMI parent organization.
You can anticipate the sequel: Yes, CMI also had a “professional peer-reviewed technical journal.” Originally called the Creation Technical Journal, CMI's “scientific” publication is now published under the name Journal of Creation. Since Ken Ham presumably no longer has access to CMI's subscriber database, his launch of the rival Answers Research Journal will perforce be a more legitimately competitive move than his sly double-cross in the case of Creation versus Answers. Perhaps he would like to be more underhanded, but the opportunity has slipped away.
"Since Ken Ham presumably no longer has access to CMI's subscriber database, his launch of the rival Answers Research Journal will perforce be a more legitimately competitive move than his sly double-cross in the case of Creation versus Answers."
ReplyDeleteNot quite. They have double-crossed both CMI and their authors with the new journal. See Point #2 in this document.
CMI has a bunch more links here.
So it's even worse than I imagined. Thanks for the information, Weeta. I wish that I could I say I was more surprised. But not with this crew.