Thursday, May 20, 2010

Draw Muhammad Day

No artistic skills needed!

Having never missed Draw Muhammad Day in the past, I wanted to make sure that I observed the occasion this year, too. Of course, in my day we used to call it Draw Mohammed Day. Or Draw Mahomet Day.

One loses track.


  1. I don't know, that image looks more like the not-so-famous brother of the musician John Hammond. I think his name is Moe.

  2. Sorry, it makes me think of Smith more than Mohammed.

  3. As a matter of fact, Ridger, yes, the Prophet is often depicted with a halo in pre-fatwa Muslim art.

    Muhammad in Muslim art

  4. Yay! It's Smith. Hi Smith! Can everything you say be doubled on me too? I like doubles.

  5. Yeah, "Smith" has been around, trying to work his trollish mischief. I really should check to see how many of his discarded posts are in the bit bucket. Delete! Ha, ha! Oh, now his post is gone! As if it never existed! (We should contemplate the mysteries of existence.)

    Laughing all the way.

  6. GoogleMaster5/23/2010 4:40 PM

    Am I the only one who immediately started to try to find the equations? Well, except for that beard thing, that is.

  7. I think he's more like Mathammed, myself.
